Advanced Rider
An Advanced Rider has riding experience and can perform all skills listed in the previous levels. The Advanced Rider program addresses the following skills.
Work their mount in all three gaits performing smooth transitions.
Learning shoulder in, haunches in, half turn on the haunches, lengthening and shortening the stride.
Can adjust the horse's stride between jumps.
Is comfortable jumping an 8 jump course at 2' without stirrups.
Understands basic confirmation.
Can articulate the basic principles of jumping.
Can articulate the basic principles of the dressage training pyramid.
Understands basic first aide for the horse and normal vital signs.
Can set fences and knows how to identify correct striding.
Consistently completes a square halt, counter canter, simple change of lead and learning to perform a flying change of lead.
Knows how to properly fit tack to a horse and the purpose of different pieces of equipment.